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R E A L I Z I N G your dreams
is more important than you think

I fully believe that you have something special that we all need, something only YOU can give to us! And making your dreams come true is the key to unlocking that mystery.



I’m a motivational speaker, entrepreneur, stillness expert, and a champion for your biggest dreams!

But I haven’t always been those things.

I’ve been married to my favorite person, Nate Dahle for almost 17 years now and for a long time, I’ve been really content being a stay-at-home mom to our 5 darling kids ranging in age from 4-14.

In fact, when I was a little girl, one of my biggest dreams included finding someone to marry, someone I adored, who would also want to have a big family.

Fast forward to 2020, and there I was living out that big dream of mine.


The problem was that while I loved the life I’d been given, I kept feeling this kind of tapping feeling on my shoulder like there was something more

And after letting this thought stay and grow bigger and bigger,

I eventually realized it was telling me what I really wanted to do with my life was
to become a motivational speaker.

In the spring of 2020, in the middle of the pandemic,
I started crafting a message that I could share with others if I was ever given the chance to present one.  

I gave myself the task of adding “2 crappy sentences” each day so that I wouldn’t get too hung up on creating something “good” or “worthwhile”. I just wanted to keep the process going. 

In October of 2020, after completing a very rough first draft of my message, I mustered up the courage to start working on this goal full-time.  

I did everything I could think of to get the ball rolling

I joined a Toastmasters club (a group you pay to deliver speeches to and they give you feedback), I volunteered to speak at any and every church function, and I even used my sessions with my foot-zoning clients as my platform to share thoughts and messages I’d found helpful.

In January of 2021, after feeling kinda stuck, I sat in my stillness and asked myself if there was something different I could be doing. I immediately had the thought to text a friend of mine, and I asked if I could be a guest lecturer for her current class of students.

She said yes and in February of 2021, I delivered my message for the first time to a group of her students. At the end of class, my friend thanked me for my effort and said she’d sent me a Venmo payment for being a lecturer for her class.

That day changed everything.

Unwittingly, I’d become a paid public speaker. And I knew that was just the beginning.  

From February to December of 2021, I had 13 speaking engagements and made nearly $4,000, which felt unbelievably incredible to me! 

 And I’m telling you this, not to feel self-important, but so that you’ll see that what qualified me to try and become a motivational speaker was this:

I was willing to bet on myself. I was willing to bet on my dreams!

I was willing to give myself a chance even though I don’t have a college degree in public speaking. I don’t have any certificates or accolades to recommend me.


I qualify me by giving myself room to try and the same is true for YOU!

You have a dream, hidden or known, that by doing it, achieving it or becoming it will not only elevate your life, but you’ll lift this whole world up by contributing this more evolved version of you!

dreamers who are living out their BEST LIFE!

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